Here in Florida, keeping fleas off our properties can feel almost impossible. These external parasites can reproduce in just about any spot they find, and they don't need to feed all that often. So eliminating flea populations from your property can be a daunting task. This is why flea control in Tampa is so important.
Understanding Fleas: Identifying The Enemy
Of course, everybody who owns a pet knows that dogs and cats can get fleas. These pests are infamous for crawling right into the fur of mammals and breeding there. In fact, many generations of fleas can live and die right on an animal's skin, feeding on the same host for their entire lives.
However, did you know that fleas in Tampa don't need to live on their hosts to survive, or that they can breed just about anywhere and grab a quick meal whenever a host walks by? This is all thanks to their incredible athleticism. Fleas can jump further than any other animal on the planet, up to 200 times their own body length. This is what allows them to hop on, feed on a host, and hop off. And it's also what allows them to live with and feed on humans, even though we don't have enough hair to permanently shelter them.
Contrary to popular belief, fleas bite people. The most common scenario for this to happen is fleas living and breeding in your shrubs, grass, carpet, and even furniture. Once they're breeding near you and feeding on you, fleas can be hard to eliminate.
The Hidden Dangers Of Fleas: Understanding The Hazards
A flea problem is more than just an annoyance; it can be a serious health hazard. If you have pets, they are in the most danger. Fleas can spread serious illnesses to dogs and cats, which is why it's important to keep them on the appropriate flea and tick prophylactic medication.
Fleas can spread disease to humans as well. In fact, they used to be one of the deadliest pests on the planet, thanks to their ability to spread bubonic plague. Though the plague is rare and curable now, fleas can and do spread other human diseases, such as:
Murine typhus
- Cat-scratch fever
- Tungiasis
- Tularemia
- Bartonellosis
This is why it's important to take flea infestations seriously, even if you do not have pets.
Total Flea Elimination: Call The Pros Right Away!
Unfortunately, flea control for your house can be a very difficult process. There are lots of flea control products on the market, but the effectiveness of many of these products is dubious at best. Most things like flea dust and flea traps won't do anything more than repel fleas or kill the ones they touch. This means that the best most of these products can do is cause fleas to move to a different area of your property or temporarily reduce their numbers, which will eventually bounce back.
This is why it's much better to call professional home pest control in Tampa when dealing with an existing flea infestation. Here at EcoSmart Pest Solutions, we are your strongest ally in the battle against fleas. Not only are our products more effective than any store-bought flea repellent could ever hope to be; our trained and expert technicians use the full force of their knowledge to make our flea control technologies even more effective. Where store-bought products fail, we can succeed. So don't wage war on fleas alone. Contact us first.
Effective Flea Prevention: Tips For A Flea-Free Home
Flea infestations might be almost impossible for homeowners to get rid of once they are established on their property, but homeowners can effectively prevent flea infestations from ever occurring. If you do not have an active infestation, it's important to take measures to prevent one now.
Of course, one of the best things you can do to prevent fleas is to ensure that you are properly treating your pets. If you haven't already, speak with your vet about keeping your dogs and cats on an approved flea and tick preventive.
If your pets are already treated, or you don't have any, then the biggest threat to you is wildlife. Often, flea infestations get started because these tiny external parasites ride in on animals that commonly infest homes in our area, such as rodents, raccoons, and other wildlife. This means that taking measures to keep these animals off of your property can go a long way towards preventing fleas.
Just remember, if you have already wound up with an active flea infestation, don't waste your time trying to deal with it yourself. Just call the experts at EcoSmart Pest Solutions!